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SmartCity ● Gardening ● Water




Crop Sensing ● Machinery





Facility management ● Savings

Lumbara technologies


Lumbara is coming from “lumbar spine”, the most important part of spine that support and stabilize the upper body in your life activities.  Lumbara is coming to enforce and leverage your business with digital technology and smart services,.

Lumbara IOT devices embed dynamic intelligence to generate  self-powered, less maintenance and automatically connected to Lumbara services.

Our devices are designed for outdoor deployment, to resist to harsh weather conditions. Sensors and electronics are chosen to ensure accurate sensing and longer lifetime.

Devices are are plug & play, ready to send data through almost any wireless network. In case your area is not covered by any network we can provide radio solution based on LoRa (14 kms range, no simcard, no dataplan) but also we can connect and deliver data over LoraWan, Lte-M Cat1, Nb-Iot, 2G/4G, Wifi, BLE

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Going Green 

Green technology  describes the use of technology to create products and services that are environmentally friendly. Green tech is related to refers to products or services that improve performance of a (natural) process or service, reducing costs, energy consumption, waste, or negative effects on the environment. 

Green spaces are the lungs of the city. It mitigate the effects of pollution and can reduce the urban heat island effect. Lumbara is talking care on each plant, tree and green area of the city in term of water, nutrients and maintenance. 

Aside cities, Lumbara is talking care on the green crops and office plants, for better health.  

Agriculture – digital and precision technologies

Get all the data you need to take informed decisions (actual and forecasted weather, soil conditions, leaf wetness, solar radiations…). Crop stress, pest attack, fungal diseases alerts you will get in real time.

Access to unique sensing capabilities like :  crop canopy, leaf chlorophyll, acid rain detection…
Connect your agriculture field devices with your tractors, equipment and seed, spray with high precision (RTK) at the right time.

Also Lumbara devices can be connected on demand to your existing Farm Management Solution
